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Überlebens-Schwierigkeitsgrad: Klasse 1u - Umgebung
»⠀Inkonsistenter Ausgang


Level 15 ist das 16te Level der „Backrooms“ (Hinterzimmer).


Ein Bild von den futuristischen Hallen.

Level 15, inoffiziell auch als "Futuristische Hallen" bekannt, ist eine labyrinthartige Struktur bestehend aus makellosen, futuristischen Korridoren. Der allumfassende Anblick dieser Korridore lässt im Allgemeinen das Bild einer "futuristischen" Atmosphäre aufkommen, was auf die Verbindung zwischen Level 15 und der übergreifenden Vision einer innovativen Utopie zurückzuführen ist, die in den Vorräumen kursiert. Im Inneren befinden sich makellos weiße Wände, die aus leichten Baumaterialien bestehen, darunter Aluminiumlegierungen, Verbundwerkstoffe, Edelstahl und andere Materialien dieser Art. Diese Werkstoffe zeichnen sich durch ein hervorragendes Verhältnis von Festigkeit zu Gewicht, Korrosionsbeständigkeit und strukturelle Integrität aus. Der Boden besteht entweder aus Keramikfliesen oder aus demselben Material wie die Flurwände, gelegentlich auch aus Teppich oder rutschfesten Belägen.

Ein weiteres Bild der futuristischen Hallen.

Verschiedene Klimaanlagen, die an den Decken der futuristischen Hallen angebracht sind, sorgen für kühle Luftstöße, sodass jeder Gang je nach Belüftungssystem eine andere Temperatur aufweist. Die Lüftung ist überaus sauber und nahezu frei von Staub und Luftfeuchtigkeit. In bestimmten Gängen können stattdessen Metallgitter angebracht sein, in denen eine Lichtquelle und Axialventilatoren untergebracht sind, die einen natürlichen Luftstrom bei relativ niedrigem Druck aufrechterhalten. Darüber hinaus sind diese massiven Luftbehandlungsgeräte (Air Handling Units, AHUs) meist wichtige Bestandteile von HLK-Systemen, die Luft im gesamten Gebäude verteilen und reinigen, was eine zentrale Energiequelle voraussetzt. Ein Netz von Rohren und Kanälen verläuft unter den Flurböden und leitet die klimatisierte Luft von den RLT-Geräten zu verschiedenen Stellen.

Beim Betreten des Levels ist der erste Eindruck in der Regel der einer kargen Raumstation, eines verlassenen futuristischen Einkaufszentrums oder einer leerstehenden Technikausstellung. Auf dem Weg durch Level 15 werden viele aufgrund des unbehaglichen Nebeneinanders von futuristischer, minimalistischer, idealer Architektur mit einer bizarren Geometrie und liminalem Nichts verwirrt sein. Zwar ist es höchst umstritten, was genau Level 15 zu imitieren beabsichtigt, doch anekdotische Beobachtungen lassen darauf schließen, dass das Level an eine monolitische Raumstation erinnern soll. Diese Aussage wird oft aufgrund der seltsamen architektonischen Details infrage gestellt, insbesondere wegen der seltsam platzierten Lüftungsgitter und der merkwürdig abgewinkelten Deckenbalken. Der Innenraum kann zu Erkundungszwecken als Raumschiff interpretiert werden, aber langfristige Erkundungen haben ergeben, dass der Innenraum die Form einer Kugel hat.

Hinter den Toren.

Wenn man durch die futuristischen Hallen geht, findet man am Ende des Weges vielleicht ein Tor aus glattem Metall oder kugelsicherem Glas. Dahinter befinden sich eine Reihe komplizierter Räume, die den Aufbau einer großen, hochmodernen Forschungseinrichtung nachahmen. Die Räume sind durch hoch entwickelte Tore miteinander verbunden. Diese Tore öffnen sich, sobald die Anwesenheit eines Wanderers erkannt wird. Alle Bereiche sind mit glattem, weißem Beton und einer Reihe von LED-Lichtkonfigurationen versehen. Neben diesen oberflächlichen Ähnlichkeiten können einzelne Räume eine Kennzeichnung in Form einer in Vantaschwarz gedruckten Zahl an den Wänden aufweisen. Es ist nicht klar, ob diese Zahl eine wichtige Funktion erfüllt, doch haben viele angenommen, dass der Raum aufgrund seiner Quarantäneanordnung für ein Experiment bestimmt war. Manche Bereiche ähneln Laboratorien, während andere einfach weiße Räume sind. Je tiefer man in diese Bereiche vordringt, desto seltsamer werden die architektonischen Strukturen, wie z. B. eine Säule, die zufällig aus dem Boden ragt, oder eine Holztür, die zufällig in die Wände eingelassen ist. Diese Anomalie gilt als Inbegriff von Level 15''s beunruhigender Mischung aus minimalistischem Futurismus, klassischer Liminalität und atypischer geometrischer Architektur.

Entgegen dem Anschein von Technologie in diesem Level funktionieren die elektronischen Kommunikationsgeräte nicht. Bislang konnten keine zwei Personen innerhalb des Levels miteinander kommunizieren. Aufgrund der nicht-euklidischen Struktur des Levels sind auch herkömmliche Navigationsverfahren wie Karten unwirksam. Das Fehlen von Kommunikation und Internetverbindungen verweist auf das Fehlen wirklich "futuristischer" Komponenten im Level und stellt seine Prämisse infrage. [1]

Die Außenseite


Am 19. August 1951 bestätigten sich die seit langem bestehenden Vermutungen, dass das Innere des Levels von einer Sphäre umgeben war. Nach einer fast einjährigen Suche durch undokumentierte Pfade und einem übernatürlichen Gefühl der Hingabe betrat der Erste die Außenseite des Levels durch eine Tür, die mit der Tür hinter den Toren im Inneren des Levels identisch war.

„Ein erhabenes Abbild erschien mir. Ich stand auf einem einfachen Steinweg, der von einer Szene umgeben war, die für meinen Verstand fast unbegreiflich war. Überall um mich herum waren riesige weiße Kugeln von unvorstellbarer Größe, die fast den gesamten Raum einnahmen. Es war eine ruhige, wolkenverhangene Abenddämmerung, und das einzige, was mich störte, waren die Windfahnen, die über den endlosen Rasen glitten, der den gesamten Boden bedeckte. Ich war wie ein Insekt in einer Ansammlung von Giganten. Ich starrte in die Ferne, in der die Sphären zusammenliefen, und war in einem Maße fasziniert, wie ich es in keinem anderen Moment meines Lebens erlebt hatte.“

The First

Makroskopische Schlussfolgerungen

Eine künstlerische Darstellung von der Außenseite, basierend auf anekdotischen Beschreibungen.

Die Außenseite ist der Raum, in dem sich alle Innenräume von Level 15 befinden. Wie schon vom Ersten perfekt beschrieben, ist die Außenseite eine Ansammlung von monolithischen Sphären. Weitere Experimente zeigten, dass jede Sphäre in der Lage ist, Magnetfelder von fast 10 Kilometern Größe zu erzeugen, deren B-Feldstärke bis zu 102 Teslas beträgt[2], was die kollektive Aufhebung der meisten Sphären ermöglicht. Die Theorie des magnetischen Feldes impliziert die Existenz einer zentralen Energiequelle in jeder einzelnen Sphäre, die unvorstellbare Mengen an Energie erzeugen kann. Bisher gibt es jedoch noch keine dokumentierten Zeugen für eine Energiequelle oder einen Generator.

The surface is a perfectly flat lawn, containing artifical grass that extends beyond infinity. Upon entering The Outside through a sphere, wanderers will be guided onto a simple stone passageway that acts as a ground-state nexus for presumably every single sphere in the level. Through minimal explorations via the stone paths, it has been concluded that every interior has at least one exit to The Outside, and every exit is connected to a stone path. Contrary to The First's initial observation, spheres only exist up to a maximum height of 319 kilometers. The reason for this is unknown.

The entrances for different spheres vary. For spheres close the ground, they are accessible through a slanted ramp, a staircase, or a door. For spheres far from the ground, elevators that can reach speeds of more than 100 kilometers per hour carry the occupants upwards into the sphere. From ground level, thoroughfares are clearly visible connecting spheres. One wanderer famously quoted "these passageways remind me of the tangled pipes on Level 2. Despite the definite existence of such passageways, it is nearly impossible to determine when one enters these connectors, since corridors of extrodinary length are common in the interior of Level 15.


An image of an hallway leading to a mechanical chamber.

Rooms occasionally manifest as mechanical chambers, and propogate a steady buzz at around 432Hz. Noise in general are capable of traversing prolonged distances in acoustically resonant spaces like Level 15 and be overheard from afar. These chambers have no gate whatsoever, and are accessible through an L-shaped auxiliary hallway. Beyond the gates, futuristic-esque devices ranging in size from a laptop to devices of unthinkable proportions fill the majority of the space inside these chambers . While Individual machines may vary, they are collectively reminiscent of Antikythera gadgets. Many devices are covered with incomprehensible writing, intricate dials, and displays. A few explorational reports mention rather primitive engine noises emanating from behind corridor walls; the noises bear no resemblance to airflow systems nor the noises of machinery within the chambers. Missions were conducted by a variety of prestigous organizations inside the Backrooms to fathom the source of the noise, but all of them to no avail.

Despite the discovery of complex machines, Level 15 also houses a plethora appliances and gadgets, with monochromatic exteriors analogous to the level's architecture hue. Notwithstanding the self-evident complexity in these appliances, and extensive sizes, these devices are no more than straightforward machinery. These devices, under their facade of futurism, are no more than simple The Frontrooms appliances like coffee machines, 3D printers, and computers. Throughout the years, however, one device has caught the eye of explorers more than any other: Display Panels.

Display Panels

Display panels are a common type of appliance found in Level 15. They are commonly positioned on the walls of hallways, on machines, or even on the ceiling. These panels range from the size of a tablet to spanning entire walls. These tablets consume electrical power, and feature high-quality LED touchscreen displays. The true anomaly of these display panels roots from the the type of content they display. These panels display images of other levels. Through these images, M.E.G. was able to procure high-quality images of the entity from Level -7, The Thing on Level 7, the Storm Chaser from Level 10.5, and perhaps most interestingly, images of Level 18. The process through which these images were inaugurated into the system is unknown.

For example, from the displays of Level 15, the Storm Chaser of Level 10.5 appeared to be a large, amorphous blob. Level 18 appeared to be a series of rainbow-tinted hallways, occasionally glitching with childhoods memories of random wanderers.

When wandering through the halls, LED lights may begin to spark, flicker, or even shorting out entirely. This is thought to occur when oversized machines ingest vast amounts of power. The following will result in a net energy deficit and compel other machines to operate more slowly and unsteadily. Despite all appliances being wireless, an excessive loss of sufficient energy can result in a total power outage, with all performing machines and equipment ceasing to function and all nearby areas ending up entirely dark. Even though the engines stop conducting during power outages, a faint, persistent ticking sound that resembles a human heartbeat may emanate from the machinery. The ticking rate gradually slows until the power returns to normal.

An image of the control panel.

Witnesses periodically report becoming dizzy and lightheaded after prolonged exposure to Level 15's intense lights and stale air. Studies have attributed this to the temporary bradycardia travelers suffer while on the level. These effects typically worsen in pitch-black places or power loss regions; therefore, travelers should depart these areas as quickly as possible to minimize the risk of irreversible damage. Further research has demonstrated that the concentration of carbon dioxide will increase significantly in locations with frequent power outages. It is ambiguous where the substantial quantities of carbon dioxide arise from, suggesting diverse airflow and ventilation systems prevent the level from accumulating disproportionate carbon dioxide.

Occasionally, one could chance upon a worn-down control panel with wires directing to the floor, with many monitor screens that conjoin to a surveillance camera in a nearby corridor.[3] These dilapated controls create stark contrast with their spotless surroundings, and their existence is a key mystery in unveiling the meaning of Level 15 to this day. Most panels feature ten to twenty buttons, with only a few capable of performance. These panels are seldom tranditional in design, and are often shaped in irregular ways. As an example, one documented panel was split into two parts: one was a cylinder extending out of corridor corner, and the other one was a series of "rods" integrated into the walls opposite to the cylinder. No matter the shape, they will always be derelict in outlook.

Interestingly, the only working buttons are consistent with all panels: ON, OFF, DESTROY, and CHANGE. Arbitrarily pressing ON buttons results in sudden sounds of the grinding of machinery. All attempts to find the source of the machinery has failed, yet repeatedly spamming the button will trigger a regional power outage. The entire affected sector will be covered in complete darkness as the sound of rumbling machines resonate throughout the halls. Conversely, pressing random OFF buttons will cause an explicable wave of silence, as if a large amount machinery instantaneously powered down. There are several palpable results, including a regional shutdown in power. Wanderers have compared their experiences during these shutdowns to the darkness of Level 6.

Pushing the DESTROY button provokes an eruption, unleashing a thunderous crash and severely shaking nearby corridors for many minutes. Despite this, no manifestation of any deterioration will be visible throughout the hallways. Witnesses claim that the CHANGE button, possesses a strong force field of sorts that repels matter. The nature of this field is unknown. Bypassing the field is an arduous task, yet a select number wanderers claimed they came into contact with the switch. On one of the control panel screens, getting into touch with the switch displays the following message:

Access denied: Level 5 clearance required to change reality.
Recovered Note:

I still vividly recall that moment in Level 10 when the monumental, apparently never-ending white barrier abruptly appeared at the very edge of the field. The little fortified door awaits me, as it seems entirely for my discovery, and I wonder where it goes. Cold air flowed in as I turned the handle, revealing a vast corridor beyond. These frigid surroundings offered me an overwhelming sensation of tranquility and an impression of contemplation that seemed to settle into my bones. The walls were tan in a white shade, with conduits expanding collaboratively together the boundary. Grating ground illustrated it underneath an extensive space with little flooring visible, with every step emitting noise of contact mental as the breeze blew up to the atmosphere, discerning as though the grating floor was roughly to descend into the abysmal pit.

The door that brought me here seemed to disappear into the wall behind me, understanding that I would remain here for a while. Miles into the endless futuristic halls, the induction of emptiness left me in a daze. This constant expansion, the darkly lighted alleys, and the never-ending structures had become my norm. It's unlike anything I've ever felt. It's like being hauled to another plane of existence. I proceed onward to an uncertain setting. I passed by other brightly illuminated regions with contemporary designs and spotless walls. Although the odd, twisted shapes made me determine the bizarre concept back in the Frontrooms, I couldn't help but wonder if it was a spacecraft or merely an ordinary futuristic corridor. But as far as I know, neither a GPS connection nor any indication of a communication signal were there, nor was there anything to support my assumption. Doubt started to creep in. Is this the future? Something is missing...

I made a steady, leisurely pace. I was unaware of the duration or how far I had come. My thoughts perpetually focus on the last hallway each corner approaches, desiring that one more will bring me to redemption. The hallway has grown exceedingly high and tight, leaving me exhausted and questioning what this place could be. This design pattern keeps repeating, with every intersection developing an innovative layout and configuration. That one junction, yet I don't remember exactly how far or how many corridors I've strolled, but I went too much; the door lies beyond me, including a cold mood coming from beneath the gate with the sound of the engine within. When I entered, the white space seemed to be a lobby; it wasn't a corridor like previously. Perhaps I had gone into the new section?

This area once again left me empty and isolated, having no food or water supply. My head begins to feel lightheaded and tired as my breathing becomes difficult like the air is draining out. The exhaustion and disorientation drive me to feel like I need to rest, hoping that someone will find me here.

Entrances and Exits

Unfortunately, Level 15 has proven difficult to enter and exit.


  • The easiest way to enter Level 15 is through Level 15.1. By noclipping through the floor, it will lead one to Level 15.
  • An anonymous wanderer claimed that an electric shock from the door handle in Level 3 rendered him unconscious. When he regained consciousness, he ended up here.
  • Rarely will an immense white wall identical to the one from Level 15's interior that stretches into the distance without an apparent end arise at Level 10. Finding the wall-mounted reinforced door will lead one to this level.


  • The easiest way to exit Level 15 is through Level 15.1. Noclipping through the roof will lead one to Level 15.1.
  • Wanderers have speculated that a control panel will occasionally contain a button labeled "ESCAPE." Pressing the button will result in a nearby locked gateway available, leading to Level 3.
  • Going through a hospital door will lead to Level 16.
  • Staying in dark areas for an extended period may cause you to pass out and wake up in Level 58.
  • Following a trail of an unknown sticky red substance will lead to an entrance to a dark cavern. Entering it will lead to Level 990.
  • Entering a black door emblazoned with an image of a volcano sends one to Level 603.


- The Future


It was like an enlightenment that suddenly swept over me, sourcing from a a jaded motif - a liminal hallway complex, presumably infinite in size.

But why the excitement? Maybe due to the grandiose scale of Level 15 from the Outside, or perhaps these halls actually gave you a taste of the future.

Every second, we march forward into unknown territory. The future should be exciting, no? That explains my initial enthusiasm...

But feeling that died away so quickly... even quicker than my hopes of escape.

The Future? Why the future? Why futuristic halls? Is not the future just right now?

Slowly, the surroundings began to fade into the same monotonous white. My senses slowly faded into this brutal, crude facade. Nothing changed anymore. I was trapped in the future... or was I?

Time didn't matter anymore. I dropped onto the barren floor, accepting fate.

It's not like anything would change if you are dead.

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Original version written by: KingSheep17.
Previous version rewritten by: SkyCityXD3.
New version rewritten by: Usasop2134 and WindXD.
Futuristic Hallway by Getty Images.
Space travel! by godwin d is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Milwaukee Art Museum by Katie Tegtmeyer is licensed under CC BY 2.0, edited by SkyCityXD3.
[1] reposted by stra-tek at Tumbler.
photo of white concrete wall inside room by Tobias van Schneider is under Unsplash License.
Power plant control panel, pt. 1 by Marcin Wichary is licensed under CC BY 2.0, edited by SkyCityXD3.

  1. Nach der Kauer-These ist dieses Level, ausgehend von der Technologie, die die Menschheit heute besitzt, nur eine symbolische Darstellung der Zukunft.
  2. Dieses Resultat ist aufgrund der Größe des Objekts und des Mangels an geeigneter Ausrüstung mit einer sehr hohen Unsicherheit behaftet.
  3. It is interesting to note that the surveillance cameras connected to the control panels are in are identical in design to the rest of the level.