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Backrooms Chroniken Wiki

Level 7 DE: „The Deep Sea



Klasse 3

Ausgang: 3/5
Schwer zu verlassen

Umgebung: 3/5
Stellt eine hohe Gefahr da

Entitäten: 0/5
Es gibt keine Entitäten


Level 7 DE is the 8th level of the Backrooms.


Level 7 EN, also known as "The Deep Sea", is a vast ocean that seems to stretch endlessly in all directions. The level's climate seems to rarely change, as the sky is always cloudy and the air remains rough. The apparent inviolability of the weather in Level 7 DE is interrupted only by occasional storms or more severe gales, in which neither the air nor the sky seem to change much. Only the state of the water changes, which during a storm lowers its temperature from the usual 15 °C (degrees Celsius) to -5 °C (degrees Celsius) and begins to form waves without any apparent reason.

The water of Level 7 DE is covered in an obscure shade of black, making it impossible to see through the surface of the water in Level 7 DE. Even though there are no fixed light sources within the level, a natural light is present throughout the level; it is impossible to see through the pitch black water surface of Level 7 DE from above the water surface despite this natural light. If you dive into the water of Level 7 DE you will find that the water is actually quite clear, even though you can only see a certain distance away; It is possible to see beneath the surface of the water, but you can only see for a radius of about 20 meters.

Furthermore, at any time and in any place in Level 7 DE you can hear the sound of waves, which will not stop even if you cover your ears. Although the source of this phenomenon is unknown, some wanderers assume that the level has strange properties that make such a phenomenon possible. In addition, the noise never seems to change its sound, since both the volume and the sound of the noise always seem to remain the same. You could almost think someone had put on an audio track, except that this audio track never stops repeating itself.

No islands or means of transport have yet been discovered within the level, which suggests that the only way out of this level is to dive into the depths of the sea. As we explored the level more and more, we gained more and more information. We noticed that when you enter the level, you almost always seem to find yourself on a ship; it is unclear why wanderers have hardly ever mentioned this information in their previous reports, but we suspect based on this disagreement of reports that you don't always find yourself on this ship and that previous visitors to this level simply haven't been lucky. Furthermore, smaller islands measuring 5 m x 5 m, 10 m x 10 m, but also of 20 m x 20 m have been discovered in a few instances. Most of these islands are simple sandy areas with nothing on them apart from the sandy subsoil.

The ship

For a complete description of Level 7.1 DE click here.

The ship of Level 7 DE, also known as Level 7.1 DE resembles a 1900s passenger ship, the only difference being that it has probably been completely derelict for decades. Inside the ship, there are old ropes, occasional rusted metal ceiling tiles and one-way wooden pallets, though the number of these things always seems to change. In addition, the ship contains individual staircases as well as individual stairways leading either to large freestanding areas, machinery rooms or to the deck of the ship. Metal remnants as well as waste and paint leftovers may be found on the deck of the ship. Along the sides of the ship there are also isolated wooden lifeboats, of which only about 25% possess wooden paddles; The number of lifeboats can vary between 4 and 8, although it is unclear exactly how the number of lifeboats is determined.


Although there have been reports about entities on Level 7 DE, none of them could be confirmed so far. The reasons for that are made-up sounding stories about gigantic fish, shining giant eels, giant facelings or smilers that don't smile. Thus, it can be assumed that the Level appears to influence the mental state of a wanderer if they stay in the Level for too long, which can lead to them becoming completely insane.

Colonies and Outposts

As Level 7 DE appears to have isolating characteristics much like Level 0 DE, it has never been and probably never will be possible to establish a colony or an outpost on this level.

Entrances and Exits


  • Drinking from a water bottle in Level 14 EN that says "Attention! Watery!" will send you into the water of Level 7 DE with no chance of entering the ship of Level 7 DE.
  • Attempting to bathe in the substance of Level 0 DE has a chance to send a wanderer directly into the waters of Level 7 DE.
  • Following the sound of water in Level 6 EN will lead you to Level 7.1 EN and therefore to this level.


  • Entering a glowing cave on the bottom of Level 7 DE will take you to Level 8 DE.
  • Nocplipping in the waters of Level 7 DE' will take you to Level 37 DE.
    • It has to be said that the method only seems to work in rare occasions.

Der Klang von Wellen in Level 7 DE.

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(Originaler) Autor: Kortak_