Wikitext ist unglaublich wichtig, um Wikiseiten aufzupeppen, und er wird trotz seiner Nützlichkeit oft nicht ausreichend genutzt. Dieser Leitfaden zielt darauf ab, Wikitext verständlicher zu machen und seine allgemeine Verwendung auf Seiten zu erhöhen. Nicht alles kann mit Wikitext allein erreicht werden; HTML-Code ist viel umfangreicher in der Verwendung als Wikitext, kann aber auch komplizierter sein. Wenn etwas nicht auf dieser Liste steht, versuche, es auf dem Coding Help Wiki.
Grundlegende Seitenzusammensetzung
Überschriften sind als Titel für wichtige Seitenabschnitte gedacht, z. B. für eine Ebenenbeschreibung oder einen Abschnitt, der Kolonien auflistet. Stelle dir diese als Kapiteltitel für ein Buch vor. Zum Beispiel ist die Überschrift "Grundlegende Seitenkomposition" direkt oben eine Überschrift. Wenn du den Text mit zwei Gleichheitszeichen auf beiden Seiten umgibst, wird er zu einer Überschrift, die größer als der übrige Text angezeigt und zum Inhaltsverzeichnis der Seite hinzugefügt wird. Diese werden im Quelltext-Editor wie folgt formatiert:
Unterüberschriften dienen der weiteren Gliederung von Seiten als Unterkategorie unter Überschriften. Der obige Text "Überschriften" und "Unterüberschriften" sind beispielsweise beide als Unterüberschriften unter der Hauptüberschrift "Grundlegende Seitenkomposition" formatiert. Diese werden mit drei Gleichheitszeichen auf beiden Seiten des Textes gebildet, formatiert als:
Unterüberschrift 2
Die Unterüberschrift 2 ist für eine sehr feine Gliederung einer Seite gedacht; sie entspricht dem Konzept einer Unterüberschrift, die eine Unterkategorie einer Überschrift ist, aber stattdessen ist sie eine Unterkategorie einer Unterüberschrift. Diese Gliederungsebene ist auf den meisten Seiten nicht so häufig anzutreffen, kann sich aber in begründeten Fällen als nützliches Instrument erweisen. Die Unterüberschrift 2 wird wie folgt formatiert:
Titel Überschriften
Du fragst dich vielleicht: Wenn Überschriften aus zwei gleichen Zeichen bestehen und Zwischenüberschriften aus drei gleichen Zeichen usw., was ergibt dann ein gleiches Zeichen? Nun, wenn man Text mit einem Gleichheitszeichen umgibt, entsteht ein Seitentitel, der den Text massiv und ablenkend macht. Diese sollten in Seiten vermieden werden, da sie im Gegensatz zu ihrem Namen den eigentlichen Titel der Seite nicht verändern, sondern nur sehr großen und ablenkenden Text erzeugen. Der Sauberkeit halber wird hier kein Seitentitel verwendet, aber ein Beispiel dafür findest du oben auf der Seite; Text, der als Seitentitel formatiert ist, wird so erscheinen wie "Wikitext Guide". Ein besserer Weg, um großen Text zu erhalten, ist über die <big>
und die </big>
Grundlegende Textbearbeitung
In diesem Abschnitt geht es um den grundlegendsten Teil der Textbearbeitung: die wichtigsten Formatierungsoptionen im visuellen Editor.
Dickgedruckter Text
Fett gedruckter Text in Artikeln wird in erster Linie für den Namen einer bestimmten Ebene oder Entität verwendet, wenn diese in ihrem eigenen Artikel erwähnt wird. Im Artikel von Level 0 EN wird zum Beispiel jedes Mal, wenn "Level 0" erwähnt wird, fett gedruckt. Dies ermöglicht eine bessere Organisation und macht die Seite übersichtlicher.
Bold text in Source Editor:Result: Text
Italicized Text
Italicized text is less commonly used in pages, but it still has its uses. Stressing a point in an article is better achieved with italicized text rather than, say, fully capitalizing it; text like "Do NOT, by any means, enter this level" looks unfitting in articles. If something is that important to stress, it is recommended to italicize it.
Italicized text in Source Editor:Result: Text
Underlined Text
While being one of the three simple formatting options listed at the top of the Visual Editor, underlined text is written in the Source Editor by surrounding text with <u> and </u>, rather than with apostrophes.
Underlined text in Source Editor:Result: Text
Strikethrough Text
If you want text that looks like it has been crossed out, surround it with <s> and </s>. This can be used for information that has, in-lore, been changed following a new discovery.
Strikethrough text in Source Editor:Result: Text
Intermediate Text Editing
Text can be further edited in many interesting and useful ways, such as adding shadows, code
, or even colored text. These are less commonly used in articles, but can still serve a purpose every once in a while (avoid overusing them).
Code Text
Surrounding text with <code> and </code> will change its font to a more computer code-look. This can be used for many different things, like in the case of this page, where all examples of Source Editing code is set to the code font. In rare circumstances, the font of an entire page could be set to this look, changing its feel entirely.
Code text in Source Editor:Result: Text
Blurred Text
This recently-added feature makes it possible to blur text until it is hovered over. There are many creative uses for this!
Blurred text in Source Editor:Result: Example Text
Colored Text
You can even color text using Source Editing, with many different options. This should only be used in very specific circumstances, like collapsible text, which will be addressed later. Do not color the entire text of a page; it is hard on the eyes and makes your page look like a blog from 2008.
Colored text in Source Editor:Result: Text
There are many color options beside green, such as: blue, red, and yellow. However, coloring text is not just limited to simple colors; with HTML color codes you can make text any specific shade you wish. Just replace "color:COLORNAME;" with any HTML hex, formatted as "color:#FFFFFF;" (do not forget the "#" before the hex code, as the color will not appear without it).
Wavy Text
While not commonly used, text can be madeNote: All resulting letters will be capitalized, and the font cannot be changed. The text color, however, can be changed, along with shadows.
Text Shadows
Adding shadows to text can make it stand out and appear much more unique! Here are just a few examples of the many things that can be done with text shadows:
Basic Shadow
Basic shadow in Source Editor:
An example of text with a basic shadow.
Distant Shadow
Distant-shadowed text in Source Editor:
An example of text with a distant shadow.
Thick Glow
Glowy text in Source Editor:
An example of red text with a thick red glow.
Fiery Shadow
Fiery text in Source Editor:
An example of text on FIRE.
Outline using Shadow
Outlined text in Source Editor:
An example of outlined text using a shadow.
Comic-Styled Shadow
Spaced Shadow in Source Editor:
An example of comic-looking text.
Spaced Shadow
Spaced Shadow in Source Editor:
An example of spaced, shadowy text.
Layered Shadow
Layered Shadow in Source Editor (added <big> to compensate for size):
An example of awesome layered text.
Text Positioning
Text can be positioned in many different ways, such as:"Left" can be replaced with "center" and "right" to achieve the positioning you want! Additionally, one may use <center>
and </center>
to center text in a quicker manner, but this shortcut does not work with left or right.
Custom fonts are a recent addition to this wiki; these fonts include: IM Fell English, Kavivanar, Akaya Telivigala, Pacifico, and Major Mono Display, just to name a few. As their name implies, they replace the default Fandom article font.
Result: This is an example sentence.
IM Fell English
Result: This is an example sentence.
Result: This is an example sentence.
Akaya Telivigala
Result: This is an example sentence.
PT Mono
Result: This is an example sentence.
Mate SC
Result: This is an example sentence.
Result: This is an example sentence.
Result: This is an example sentence.
Qahiri in Source Editor (using "font-size:30px;" as well because the font is very small by default):
Result: This is an example sentence.
Major Mono Display
Result: This is an example sentence.
Intermediate Page Composition
Colored Boxes
Colored boxes that contain text can be utilized in order to convey a certain "feel" within your page, or to organize your page into easily discernible sections. Always make sure that the text color, and the background color do not mix in well together, or the text will be hard to read.
<div style="background-color:
(This is the color the background is going to be. Use either hex code, or color name.); color:
(This is the color that the text will be. Just as the background color, use either hex code, or color name.); margin:2em; padding:5px 10px; border:2px solid #FFFFFF;
(This is where you change the border color. It is recommended to make it either black or white, but you may change it as you please.) border-radius: 3px">
(This changes the curvature of the border. The higher the number, the more round the edges are.)
Colored box in Source Editor (White):
Colored box in Source Editor (Black):
For a more stylized alternative to simple colored boxes, there are several types of div-boxes with different designs available for use, so mix-and-match them to your heart's content!
Quote Boxes
Theme Boxes
These boxes mirror the theme of the wiki, which makes them fit quite well into pages. In fact, they actually change their color to fit whether you are in light mode or dark mode!
Lighter themebox in Source Editor:
Darker themebox in Source Editor:
Lines can also be added to the side of the boxes to make them appear like "quote blocks".
Logo Blocks
Border Blocks
Title Blocks
This div is called "titleblock"
To add the title, add
<span class="titlebox">TITLE TEXT</span>
after <div class="titleblock">
This div is called "dark-titleblock"
To add the title, add
<span class="dark-titlebox">TITLE TEXT</span>
after <div class="dark-titleblock">
Group Blocks
Magic Words
Magic Words refer to keywords in Wikitext that can change or represent data in a page. They have a wide variety of uses, such as changing the title of a page, getting rid of the Table of Contents, and much more.
Changing the Page Title
{{DISPLAYTITLE}}, as the name implies, can be used to change a page's title. It is used in scenarios where an author wants a page's display name to differ from its URL title. It is most commonly used in naming levels, formatted as such:
Removing the TOC
__NOTOC__ is used to remove the Table of Contents from a page. This command is useful in pages that are on the shorter side, or that do not require organization to that degree. The command can be placed anywhere in a page, though it is typically placed at the bottom.
Moving the TOC
__TOC__ does exactly the opposite of __NOTOC__; it places the Table of Contents exactly where it is entered in a page. This has very few applications, but it may prove useful in rare cases.
The possibilities are truly endless when it comes to text customization on Fandom! This next feature adds hover-tooltips to text, useful for adding in those extra details that can go a long way.
Tooltips in Source Editor:Result: Hover over me!
Advanced Page Composition
Custom Page Backgrounds
The backgrounds of pages can actually be altered to anything one may desire! Normal images and GIFs both work, so get creative!
Custom image background in Source Editor:The result will not be displayed, as the image provided is simply an example file. Make sure the ratio of the image/GIF used is 16:9 so it entirely fills the background!
Tables are useful tools meant for organizing data into even boxes. They have various applications, but are not usually seen in typical articles. The "background-color: #ffffff" can be changed to any hex color code you wish.
Tables in Source Editor:
! style="background-color: #d3d3d3" |Example 1
! style="background-color: #d3d3d3" |Example 2
! style="background-color: #d3d3d3" |Example 3
! style="background-color: #d3d3d3" |Example 4
| style="background-color: #ffffff" |Sub-Example 1
| style="background-color: #ffffff" |Sub-Example 2
| style="background-color: #ffffff" |Sub-Example 3
| style="background-color: #ffffff" |Sub-Example 4
| style="background-color: #ffffff" |Sub-Sub-Example 1
| style="background-color: #ffffff" |Sub-Sub-Example 2
| style="background-color: #ffffff" |Sub-Sub-Example 3
| style="background-color: #ffffff" |Sub-Sub-Example 4
Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3 | Example 4 |
Sub-Example 1 | Sub-Example 2 | Sub-Example 3 | Sub-Example 4 |
Sub-Sub-Example 1 | Sub-Sub-Example 2 | Sub-Sub-Example 3 | Sub-Sub-Example 4 |
Stylized Tables
As seen above, the colors and styles of tables can be changed to anything one may wish! An example of this is:
{| class="article-table" style="border: 2px solid #d8ad26; margin:0;"
|Example Text
|style="border-left:solid 2px #d8ad26" | Text
| More Text
|Example Text
|style="border-left:solid 2px #d8ad26" | Text
|More Text
|Example Text
|style="border-left:solid 2px #d8ad26" | Text
|More Text
Example Text | Text | More Text |
Example Text | Text | More Text |
Example Text | Text | More Text |
In longer pages, solely using headers for organization may not always cut it. Tabbers are very a powerful tool meant to nicely shrink down information into sleek and readable chunks. Circumstances where they may be necessary will be explained after this example.
Tabbers in Source Editor:
|-| Tabbers=
|-| Look=
|-| Like=
|-| This=
This text in the Source Editor would yield the following format:
|-| Tabbers=
|-| Look=
|-| Like=
|-| This=
Word4 </tabber>
Anything can be put inside tabbers, including other tabbers! However, they should be used with a bit of caution; first of all, if a page is built with headers, it may be meant to be read top-to-bottom, but due to tabbers making the reader switch left-to-right between tabs, that style may clash. In addition, tabbers take some of the "meat" from a page, substantially decreasing the length of it; this makes it seem like your page has little content, even if it has a decent amount, and overall makes it feel half-baked.
Stylized Tabbers
Alternatively, tabbers can come in two other forms, both appearing more "modern" than the default tabber. One of these forms is a vertical tabber!
Modern tabber in the Source Editor:
<div class="tabs">
<ul class="tabs__caption">
<li class="active">Tab 1</li>
<li>Tab 2</li>
<li>Tab 3</li>
<div class="tabs__content active">Text 1</div>
<div class="tabs__content">Text 2</div>
<div class="tabs__content">Text 3</div>
The code for a vertical modern tabber in the Source Editor is identical to the previous code segment, but it uses <div class="tabs vertical">
instead of <div class="tabs">
Use these to your heart's content as a nice-looking replacement for normal tabbers!
Dropdown Selection
An optional alternative to tabbers is dropdown content selection, where options are able to be chosen via an opening box! This would be inputted into the Source Editor as follows:
<div class="sel-container"></div>
<div class="fields">
<div class="name">Field 1</div>
<div class="field">Field 1 content</div>
<div class="name">Field 2</div>
<div class="field">Field 2 content</div>
<div class="name">Field 3</div>
<div class="field">Field 3 content</div>
Result (this feature can be slow; reload the page if the list does not appear):
Interactive Lists
In addition to using them to choose page content, dropdowns can also take the form of clickable lists that direct the reader elsewhere. This can be achieved with a template, which could be inputted into the Source Editor as follows:
This could be used in many different ways, so get creative with it!
Progress Bars
Progress bars are a niche but nice-looking feature that can be useful in certain cases! They have many customizable options which are not exclusive from one-another, but able to be mix-and-matched! These styles are listed below:
Code in Source Editor:
Code in Source Editor:
Code in Source Editor:
Code in Source Editor:
Code in Source Editor:
Code in Source Editor:
Combined Styles
Code in Source Editor:
Have fun mixing and matching these various styles to your liking!
Collapsible Text
Collapsible text is a very useful tool in articles. It can be used for things such as recovered documents and files, where the reader has to click on something like "OPEN FILE: RECOVERED DOCUMENT" to access its content. This can be very finnicky and Wikitext likes to mess it up often. It is dictated by the use of <div> and </div> with classes indicating collapsibility. Here is an example of collapsible text (bolded so it is obvious one can interact with it):
This will make the text "OPEN ADDENDUM" interactable. Once clicked, it will reveal the text "EXAMPLE CONTENT", but this could be replaced with anything you desire! Ending the string with </div> will allow you to continue the page text after it, without it being included in the collapsible. Here is how the text would work in practice:
To include multiple collapsibles in one document, just do the same thing again, but replace the "first" in "mw-customtoggle-first" and "mw-customcollapsible-first" with "second," and so on. You can get fancy with collapsibles, such as layering them within one another, adding underlined or colored text, and even having the collapsible's title change when opened and closed! An example of this would be this large heap of code:
<span style="color:green">'''> Open Addendum'''</span></div></span> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-finalchanging"> <div class="mw-customtoggle-finalchanging mw-customtoggle-initialchanging"> <span style="color:green">'''> Close Addendum'''</span></div> </div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-finalchanging"> EXAMPLE TEXT
Collapsible Login Box
Some lore-heavy pages include a fake "login" box that prompts the user to input a passcode. However, no real input is needed, as clicking the box will reveal the next section of content and "autofill" the password. This can be achieved with this mess of code:
<span class="mw-customtoggle-password mw-customtoggle-password2"><div class="mw-collapsible" id="mw-customcollapsible-password2">Input Password</div></span>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-password"><div class="mw-customtoggle-password mw-customtoggle-password2"> EXAMPLE AUTOFILLED PASSWORD</div></div></div>
...Just don't think about it. In practice, that code would create this result:
In some instances, the page can sometimes mess up collapsible text when saving it, such as adding an [Expand] button next to it, which looks messy. If this occurs, just replace the <div> text around it again with the code provided in this page. Collapsible text has many possibilities and its usefulness cannot be understated.
Randomization is possible with Wikitext as well! To randomize a text result, format code as follows:
<option> Option1 </option>
<option> Option2 </option>
<option> Option3 </option>
<option> Option4 </option>
<option> Option5 </option>
This is the <choose>
function, and it is used to randomly generate from a list of defined options. Using it would yield the following randomized result:
<choose> <option> Option1 </option> <option> Option2 </option> <option> Option3 </option> <option> Option4 </option> <option> Option5 </option> </choose>
This outputs one randomized option every time the page is refreshed, and could be used to make a "roulette" type of page, where it dynamically changes.
Time-Based Events
While functions like these are interesting to mess around with, they are very rare in usage. For example, the current date and time can be output in an article like so:
It is currently {{#time: g}}:{{#time: i}}:{{#time:s}} {{#time: A}} {{#time: e}} on {{#time: l}}, {{#time: F}}, {{#time: j}} .
This creates the following text:
It is currently 7:52:17 AM UTC on Samstag, Januar, 18.
The current year may also be added with the functionTime-based events on Wikitext are incredibly flawed, and Javascript is required to create anything more than a rudimentary system. If we wanted to make a page that changes on a 30 minute basis, we'd use this system:
The most glaring flaw is that this is not executed every time a page is loaded, but rather when a page is parsed. This means it would realistically take about two days to change to the second version of the page content if the page is not edited. Overall, Javascript does the job much better, but in a pinch, this function can work.
There are many basic tools that you can use to build your page. The first of these is {{#expr}}. This executes a basic logic or math command and prints the answer. The data printed from this command cannot be used in another function, and only shows up when viewing a page.
{{#ifexpr}} is a simple true/false function, printing something based on whether an {{#expr}} command is true or false. It is formatted {{#ifexpr (Insert logic/math here to get a result) | True text | False text}}. For instance, if you did {{#ifexpr 40 = 50 | True Text | False Text}}, you would get False Text. This text can be replaced with anything, up to an entire level.
{{#ifeq}} Compares whether two things are equal. It is formatted as {{#ifeq input1 | input2 |output1 |output2}}, and can be used for both text and numbers.
The {{#switch}} function is extremely complex and will rarely, if ever, be used. It runs down a list of case statements. However, until user inputs become a thing, this will likely only be used on time-based events if there are three or more outcomes. The syntax is {{#switch: (Input) |(Case 1) = (Output 1)|(Case 2) = (Output 2)|…(Case k) = (Output k) | (Output if none of the cases are true)}}. For example, {{#switch: x |1 = True|2 = False|Invalid}} would return True if x=1, False if x=2, and Invalid if x is not equal to either.
Authors: Egglord1, PuppyBorkbutaccountgotwiped, and SkyCityXD3.
Themeboxes and stylizations by scutoid.